Jubilee medal "20th anniversary of the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan"

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"Azərbaycan Respublikasının dövlət müstəqilliyinin bərpasının 20 illiyi" yubiley medalı
"Az@rbaycan Respublikasinin dovl@t must@qilliyinin b@rpasinin 20 illiyi" yubiley medali.png
Type Medal
LocationFlag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan

The jubilee medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan "20th Anniversary of the restoration of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan" is the state award of the Republic of Azerbaijan. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Approved by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 1, 2012.

1. The jubilee medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan "20th Anniversary of the restoration of independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan" (hereinafter referred to as the medal) consists of a round plate with a diameter of 35 mm, cast from bronze and painted with gold water, with a narrow plate.

2. On the obverse of the medal, the text "20 years" is engraved inside a large eight-pointed star in the background of the map of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Eight small figures are reflected in the part between the corners of the star. The medal bears the phrase "20th Anniversary of the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan".

3. The reverse side of the medal has a smooth surface, and the text "20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RESTORATION OF THE STATE INDEPENDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN" is engraved in gold in the middle part, and the numbers "1991 ─ 2011" are engraved in the middle part. The series and number of the medal are engraved on the lower part, and the series and number of the medal are engraved on the upper part.

4. All text and images are in bold.

5. The medal is attached to a 37mm x 50mm rectangular ribbon containing a loop and a loop for fastening to the collar of the garment.

6. Blue, red and green horizontal stripes of the same size, representing the colors of the State flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan, lined up consecutively on the black stripe, and 1 mm wide golden vertical stripes are depicted on the edges. A 4 mm wide gold plate is glued to the top of the band.

7. The medal is fitted with a 37mm x 10mm die with an element for fixing it to the collar of the dress, facing the same black ribbon.

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  1. "Law on the jubilee medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan "20th Anniversary of the restoration of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan"". President.az.
  2. "Law on Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Determination of Orders and Medals of the Republic of Azerbaijan" on the restoration of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan". President.az.
  3. "About the creation of orders and medals of the Republic of Azerbaijan". E-qanun.az.
  4. "Resolution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on amending the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Determination of Orders and Medals of the Republic of Azerbaijan" on the establishment of the jubilee Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan "20th Anniversary of the restoration of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan"". Meclis.gov.az.